We are always told to find ways to fix ourselves when we are dealing with ‘negative’ emotions. I think we should actually feel what we need to feel, for as long as we need to feel it. That, to me, is the only true way to heal from what breaks us.
-TerriLynn Le Blanc
-TerriLynn Le Blanc
Born in Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada, TerriLynn Le Blanc has been writing since she was very young. Her imagination always took her down different paths, writing stories about fantasy and love and life. In her early teens she discovered her love of poetry and began a journey that has led her to where she is today.
Along the way, she was diagnosed with several forms of mental illness, and taking from this, she now dedicates her writing to illustrating with her words just how much mental illness affects her life and those around her. Using words and poetry, TerriLynn strives to encapsulate a bit of her pain and the ways that her illness(s) shape her world – and by doing so, she hopes to reach for ways she can help others of like mind and suffering to the realization that they are not alone.
In an effort to get her poetry out into the world, she began her facebook page Quotes from the Dark in August 2017, and since that time has attracted over 5,000 followers. Posting new pieces most nights, the idea that there are so many out there in the world that read what she writes and respond in so many positive ways has provided her a very meaningful release for her own demons.
-TerriLynn Le Blanc
“I’m not here to say I have a solution or a remedy for the pain that we all feel sometimes. I just want to be able to lend a voice and an ear to those wrestling with the darker side of life – to give them the chance to know the truth … we are never alone.” – TerriLynn Le Blanc
Through the power of words, TerriLynn is seeking out the many different ways to describe, capture, and translate the darkness we all have within us. She wants to allow these feelings – not to define us – but to live and breathe and move on through us so that we can eventually come out the other side able to know, in every sense of the word, the deep and real strength of the human soul.
-TerriLynn Le Blanc
TerriLynn has become all the more hungry in her fight to bring to light the reality of mental illness in a world that is so driven by stigma and the negative ways that stigma touches those trying so hard to live within the confines of their pain. To view more of her prose and poetry and support her vision, please visit our Marketplace and Gallery!
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© 2017 ProjectART UBU- We are generating a platform on which creatives, AEIs (Authentically Exceptional Individuals), businesses, patrons, clients, investors and others can connect through a multitude of diversified avenues. Powered By Shaibit.
© 2017 ProjectART UBU- We are generating a platform on which creatives, AEIs (Authentically Exceptional Individuals), businesses, patrons, clients, investors and others can connect through a multitude of diversified avenues. Powered By Shaibit.